Seven Principles Of Good Movement

May 13, 2024 | Guides

Seven Principles Of Good Movement

Good movement is the cornerstone of physical health and well-being. It encompasses a range of practices that promote efficient, effective, and safe bodily movements in daily activities and exercise. Understanding and implementing these principles can lead to enhanced performance, reduced injury risk, and overall improved quality of life.

Relevance and Importance

In our modern, often sedentary lifestyle, the importance of good movement cannot be overstated. From desk jobs to commuting and leisure activities, many aspects of daily life involve prolonged periods of inactivity or repetitive motions that can lead to poor posture, muscular imbalances, and chronic pain. Embracing the principles of good movement helps counteract these issues, ensuring that our bodies function optimally.

The Seven Principles of Good Movement

  1. Postural Alignment
  2. Joint Stability
  3. Controlled Breathing
  4. Functional Strength
  5. Coordination and Balance
  6. Flexibility and Mobility
  7. Mind-Body Connection

Detailed Exploration of the Seven Principles

1. Postural Alignment

Definition and Importance

Postural alignment refers to the proper positioning of the body while standing, sitting, or moving. Good posture ensures that the spine is neutral and the body’s weight is evenly distributed, reducing strain on muscles and joints.

Common Postural Issues

  • Forward head posture
  • Rounded shoulders
  • Anterior pelvic tilt

Techniques for Improvement

  • Ergonomic adjustments at workstations
  • Strengthening core and back muscles
  • Regular stretching routines

2. Joint Stability

Definition and Importance

Joint stability is the ability to maintain or control joint movement or position. It is crucial for preventing injuries and ensuring smooth, coordinated movements.

Factors Affecting Joint Stability

  • Muscle strength and endurance
  • Ligament health
  • Proprioception (body awareness)

Exercises for Joint Stability

  • Balance training (e.g., single-leg stands)
  • Strengthening exercises (e.g., squats, lunges)
  • Proprioceptive drills (e.g., balance boards)

3. Controlled Breathing

Definition and Importance

Controlled breathing involves the deliberate regulation of breath patterns to improve oxygen flow, reduce stress, and enhance physical performance.

Techniques for Controlled Breathing

  • Diaphragmatic breathing
  • Box breathing
  • Pursed lip breathing


  • Improved oxygenation
  • Reduced anxiety and stress
  • Enhanced endurance and performance

4. Functional Strength

Definition and Importance

Functional strength is the ability to perform everyday activities with ease and efficiency. It focuses on strengthening the muscles used in daily tasks rather than isolated muscle groups.

Key Exercises

  • Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Push-ups


  • Enhanced daily performance
  • Reduced injury risk
  • Improved overall strength

5. Coordination and Balance

Definition and Importance

Coordination and balance are essential for smooth, efficient movement. Good coordination ensures that different parts of the body work together harmoniously, while balance prevents falls and improves stability.

Training Techniques

  • Balance exercises (e.g., standing on one leg)
  • Coordination drills (e.g., agility ladders)
  • Functional movements (e.g., yoga, Pilates)


  • Improved athletic performance
  • Enhanced daily functioning
  • Reduced risk of falls and injuries

6. Flexibility and Mobility

Definition and Importance

Flexibility refers to the range of motion in a joint or group of joints, while mobility is the ability to move freely and easily. Both are crucial for preventing injuries and maintaining overall physical health.

Stretching Techniques

  • Static stretching
  • Dynamic stretching
  • PNF stretching (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation)


  • Reduced muscle tension
  • Improved posture
  • Enhanced athletic performance

7. Mind-Body Connection

Definition and Importance

The mind-body connection is the relationship between mental and physical health. Good movement practices often emphasise mindfulness and body awareness to enhance performance and well-being.

Techniques to Enhance Mind-Body Connection

  • Mindful movement practices (e.g., Tai Chi, Yoga)
  • Meditation
  • Visualisation exercises


  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Enhanced overall well-being

Applying the Principles in Daily Life

Creating a Routine

  • Incorporate exercises that address each principle into your daily routine.
  • Balance strength training, flexibility exercises, and mindfulness practices.

Monitoring Progress

  • Keep a journal to track improvements in posture, strength, and flexibility.
  • Regularly assess your movement patterns and make adjustments as needed.

Seeking Professional Guidance

  • Consult with physical therapists or movement specialists to ensure proper technique.
  • Participate in classes or workshops focused on movement education.

Advice for Beginners

  • Start slow and focus on mastering basic movements.
  • Prioritise consistency over intensity.


The seven principles of good movement—postural alignment, joint stability, controlled breathing, functional strength, coordination and balance, flexibility and mobility, and mind-body connection—are essential for maintaining physical health and preventing injuries. By integrating these principles into daily life, individuals can achieve better movement efficiency and overall well-being.

Begin your journey towards better movement today. Implement these principles, contact us today, and enjoy the benefits of a healthier, more active lifestyle.

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