Scoliosis Explained

Jan 12, 2021 | Explained

Updated 29/10/2023

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition where your spine curves and bends unnaturally out of it’s correct position, instead of being straight. The twisting of the spine can also be referred to as the spine being in a letter “C” or “S” position.


What causes Scoliosis?

Although 3% of the population suffer from Scoliosis, 80% of the cases often have no obvious or identifiable cause. The condition is often diagnosed before the person is 8 years of age, and factors such as genetics, birth defects and neurological abnormalities are often looked at as the possible cause of the condition.


Signs of Scoliosis

There are several very key and significant symptoms to consider when diagnosing a person with Scoliosis. Having one shoulder blade higher, more prominent, or at a different angle to the other is often a main and very noticeable sign of the condition. Factors like uneven hips can often occur, as well as problems relating to the chest due to limited space for the lungs to expand when breathing. Back pain is also a common complaint in the person effected.


Dealing with the condition

There are 2 different types of Scoliosis, both which effect a person in different ways. Congenital is where the abnormalities and differences in the spine are obvious at birth, and the patients are born being immediately affected by it. In other cases, the condition becomes more apparent with the person affected reaches puberty, due to the sudden growth and expansion of the bones in the body, highlighting any abnormalities with the spine.


Treating Scoliosis

A person with the condition doesn’t just have to live or put up with it, and there are several options for treatment depending on the persons age, mobility, and how badly effected they are by the condition. If a person is still growing and the spine curvature is between 25-40 degrees, a brace will be considered. Although not correcting the curve in the back, the brace is often considered an effective way of ensuring that the curvature doesn’t increase or get drastically worse.

However, in more serious cases, surgery can be considered for those suffering with a spine curvature of higher than 40 degrees. The spinal fusion procedure is often only considered when the condition is severely affecting a person’s daily life, and making them experience disruption of simple, everyday tasks due to the pain and discomfort caused.


Massage can also help ease the pain of scoliosis in 2 main ways, pain relief and relaxation but it is only addressing the associated pain and doing nothing to treat scoliosis itself. Contact us today to see if we can help ease your scoliosis aches and pains using a Sports Massage or Deep Tissue Massage in Leeds.


Can scoliosis be prevented?
Scoliosis is not always preventable, but early detection and treatment can help manage the condition effectively.

Is scoliosis painful?
Scoliosis itself is not usually painful, but some people may experience discomfort or back pain.

Can adults develop scoliosis?
Yes, while scoliosis is most commonly diagnosed in adolescents, it can develop in adults, often due to degenerative changes in the spine.

How is scoliosis diagnosed?
Scoliosis is diagnosed through physical examinations, X-rays, and sometimes MRI scans.

What are the long-term effects of scoliosis?
The long-term effects of scoliosis vary depending on its severity. In mild cases, there may be no long-term effects, but severe scoliosis can lead to reduced lung and heart function.

Are there alternative treatments for scoliosis?
Some individuals explore alternative treatments like chiropractic care, but it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for the most effective options.

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